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My Credit method

In MyCredit, the management of NPLs takes place through a territorial approach by carrying out concrete market researches on the marketability of properties. The expert evaluation is an important technical element, but it is the real price indicated by the market which really makes the difference.
At MyCredit, the management of NPLs takes place through a supportive approach that involves direct contact with the debtor and a planned step-by-step procedure. It is therefore possible to bridge the gap between the transfer value and the real market value of the collateral, through a customized method called Coaching.


Rent To Buy: This is how I save my mortgage

On L'Economia del Corriere della Sera, there is an in-depth article on ‘My Social Impact’, the social securitisation initiative launched by MyCredit to help families and businesses meet their financial commitments on mortgages and allow banks to reduce the NPE ratio, the ratio of impaired loans to the total amount of loans disbursed.

Mirko Tramontano, CEO of MyCredit, explained that the impaired loans covered by the initiative are mainly related to mortgages of Italian households and small businesses. 
The social securitisation initiative, thanks to the involvement of different institutions, becomes a replicable and sustainable tool over time.

The full article is available here


Default risk, analysts' alarm for Italian businesses - Interview with Mirko Tramontano on Quotidiano Nazionale.

On Quotidiano Nazionale, an interesting article by Giorgio Costa discusses the current macroeconomic scenario in Italy, marked by continuously rising inflation, growing geopolitical tensions, and an increase in ancillary costs and raw materials.

In this context, Italian businesses are facing increasingly complex challenges, with the risk of default steadily rising: according to the latest Credit Outlook 2024 from Cerved Rating Agency, released last December, this rate has risen to 6.22%.

Compared to three years ago, the number of companies with a positive rating has decreased, while the number of companies with a high risk of insolvency has increased.

Mirko Tramontano, CEO of MyCredit, highlighted that "2024 has opened with great willingness on the part of Italian businesses to improve their market positioning. It is essential that this constructive approach, aimed at recovering ground lost during the period of increased ECB interest rates, is combined with an ability to structure themselves more effectively to attract capital and enable sustainable growth. If we then look at the Real Estate sector, as well as the tourist real estate sector, we have daily evidence of great resilience and strong interest in investing with capital from both Italian and foreign sources: this demonstrates the excellent resilience of these sectors, which are destined for a recovery in volumes first and values later, with obvious benefits for sector companies, provided they are able to adapt their quality standards to current market demands."

The full article is available at the following link