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More specialization needed for new wave of non-performing loans



On Aziendabanca, an article by Mirko Tramontano on the outlook for non-performing loans and the growing need for specialized figures.

The market that revolves around the recovery of Non Performing Loans, in fact, is moving more and more in the direction of the specialization of operators. A choice that appears strategic in front of the significant masses of present impaired credits and especially for their different types.

These are, in fact, very different loans and in order to arrive at their "grounding" a segmentation of portfolios according to their peculiarities will be needed, accompanied by increasingly specific professionalism of the operators. Not least because it is estimated that the series of crises that have been marking these last few years, starting in 2008, will push for further growth in NPL/UTPs.

The full article is available here: